


We work toward establishing an even stronger and more intelligently designed tech sector. Our goal aligns with Baja California Sur’s current marketplace of real estate and tourism and diversifies the economy in the direction that increases wealth income . This new strengthened smart tourism and innovation techport economy impacts ecology significantly less than traditional manufacturing. The cumulative result is a wealthier, digitized and future proofed economic area.
Our social aim through agency Digitize America, generates equal opportunities in access to digital technology in the Baja California Sur. We contribute with global standards to the cultural and economic objectives that close the digital divide in Latin America. By increasing the standard of living of the region’s population, there is more ability to ensure no child in this generation will digitally be left behind.

Graphic Design

Technology and art are related concepts. To the developing adolescent with interest in math or art they may not see their own potential to be successful in any situation of work until much later in their life. We connect natural interests and abilities with opportunities for acceleration and success to help form a positive self image of the adolescent with their natural skills and abilities. Connecting with their culture such as graffiti art or Mexican mural culture, tattooing, dj music, fashion and jewellery design, interior design we are able to develop a culture of confident youth interest in computer aided design (CAD) or graphic design and web development.
Our social aim through the Digital Arts Scene (DAS) is to create opportunity for recognition and incentivization of friendly competition, awards, rich scholarships that elevate the importance of successful works and motivates other naturally suited individuals to join in activities that lead to prosperity. Additionally new innovative technologies such as connecting graphic arts to blockchain technologies and the innovative Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) as the basis to identify economic outcomes for the production of graphic art.


Throughout history music has had the power to unify. Few other activities in the world have the power to pull all the senses and emotions of the human spirit as music does. Professional musicians of 2000 and professional musicians of 2100, because of digitization, are vastly different musicians. Through the, Preparate 2100 AC welcomes the dramatic changes technology usheres in during the 21st Century. We assume the role of “Protector of Musical Heritage” and wish our legacy to become one of the generations who cared for, preserved and re-introduce music to future generations, digitally but as we learned it from our mentors in the traditions preceding digitization.
Our social aim through eSymphony ( actively does work of preservation every day and connect and entertain the community of Baja California Sur with re-imagined sounds and meaningful messages that provoke stimulating conversations, better music appreciation and a heightened intelligence that comes from learning and enjoying traditional global music.
WE are committed to fostering happy and healthy lives and improving productivity for all through unprecedented access and opportunity. We study, define and finance the cultural, social and institutional planning necessary to create this rich, dynamic and happy future for all.

Tourism and Entertainment

We prioritize and promote the development of underrepresented sectors that have substantial growth potential. Like the arts sector which supports touristic activities or graphic artists who are deeply connected with Mexican heritage through muralism and public arts that supports their community and tourism. Our projects, like the New Academy of Arts for Tourism, incentivize widespread and sustainable interest in arts, emerging technologies and what we call smart tourism industry.
Our social aim through agencies of Preparate 2100 AC, Digital Art Scene, eSymphony ( and El Med, create opportunities for entrepreneurialism as a form of professional and personal development. Our support in entrepreneurial graphic designers, artists and innovative technologies will support our aims to diversify the economy while practically developing the skills required in the marketplace.


We understand that gender equality is not only a human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. For centuries women had no equal rights as men in the society. In Latin America compared to other European countries it is still rare to see a woman to be a CEO or director of a big company. Our focus is on women but men are always welcome and necessary for the success of our project.
Our social aim through El MED (mujeres, emprendedores y dueños) as an agency of Preparate 2100 AC is to foster social justice through gender equality, entrepreneurship initiatives. Identifying leadership and development pathways to strengthen abilities of a continuously emerging entrepreneurial sector defines our long term activities.
El Med is a resource for coaching, mentoring, networking, business education and most importantly preparing business and supporting them for growth that fits the interest and capabilities of the entrepreneur. Successfully connecting investors of all sizes with qualified, emerging, innovative technology businesses is the most exciting story El Med will tell our community.